From FYeahSurveys
Blogging Meme
What kind of blog do you have? I have this blog, but my more full-time, full -on, every day blog, is my Blip. I take a photo a day, and then I write. I sometimes write about the photo, but sometimes, it is just a mishmash of my brain. People seem to like my mishmash more than my artistic thoughts.
How many posts do you have? On this one, too many to think about. No I like 934. And that is spread over 8 years. On my Blip, I have 1647 Entries. That is one a day since 26th February 2010.
How many blogs do you follow? I follow a select few on Blip - you find that you become embroiled in their lives, and if you follow too many there are too many things to remember.
How many followers do you have? On Blip I have 248 Subscribers
How often do you change your theme? Over here, I change maybe once a year. Over there, it is bog standard format. The only thing that differs is maybe my profile pic.
How often do you change your icon? Not a lot ... I like to keep with DOGWITHNOBRAIN.
Do you have any favorite blogs? I have many
Do you ever send anonymous messages to other people? No; in the words of Thumper, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Do you ever get anon hate? Nope. I'm pretty dang inoffensive, although yesterday I was offensive about something on someone else's post (The BBC nonetheless), and instantly I felt awful about it, and deleted it, but too late, I had already generated hate.
Have you made any friends through your blog? Yes I have. many, many, many. All lunatics I have to add.
What’s your favorite thing about blogging? Releasing the pressure from my BRAIN.
What’s your least favorite thing about blogging? Releasing the pressure from my BRAIN.