Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday Stealing, On A Sunday W

Questions for a New Year’s Eve Reflection Meme

1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?    Single, best, thing? 

Hmmm.  My daughter got a flat, and came in to her own completely.  I worry not a jot about her now. She has proved her worth as a responsible adult with a penchant for drinking to excess only once or twice a month.  

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?    

Everything is a challenge isn't it? If life wasn't a challenge, would we bother getting up? 

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?     

Unexpected joy?  Mmmm, let me think... My husband buying me daffodils in December, completely unprompted? 

4. What was an unexpected obstacle?   

Obstacle.  My love of my bed.  I find it very, very difficult to leave my bed. 

5. Pick three words to describe 2013.    

Extremely, bloody, fast. 

6. What were the best books you read this year?    

Sadly,  Percy Jackson books.  I just lost myself in them completely. I'd like to say the combined works of Tolstoy, Shakespeare and Dickens, but I can't I failed miserably.    At my age, my reading should be far more selective, but I needed the escape. And I could fudge it by saying "Greek Mythology". 

7. With whom were your most valuable relationships?     
My children and my husband, and a renewed friendship with a psychotic lunatic. 

8. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year? 
Personal challenge?  Isn't that the same as obstacle?  My bed.  I don't like getting out of bed.  

9. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?    I grew to accept myself.  In all aspects. 

10. In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?    Ditto above. I think when you accept, you grow. 

11. In what way(s) did you grow physically?    Round the waist, round the boobs, round the arse.  Pretty much all over. 

12. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others?  
I mended bridges with a good friend.  That meant a lot.

13. What was the most enjoyable part of your work?    Reconciling the accounts to within a £200 margin.... when the "estimated margin allowable was 25K".

14. What was the most challenging part of your work?    All of it. Is it worth it if it isn't?

15. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?  
This bloody PC.  And Social Networking. 

16. What was the best way you used your time this past year?  
Crocheting, knitting and drawing.  I

17. What was biggest thing you learned this past year?
I can draw. Yes, I can draw. What ever I want.

18. Create a phrase or statement that describes 2013 for you.Fulfilling.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Stealing

The ASK Meme, part one 
1. What’s your favorite candle scent?   Scottish Gorse.   A beautiful scent which takes me back to my childhood, and playing with the dogs in the field to the back of our house.   I love smelling the scent of gorse when I'm out on my bike.  The mix of coconut and peaches.. its summer all over.

2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?   I don't.  I would hate the attention, I would have having to watch them.  I was looking at Miley Cirus today, and I thought, how can her mother let her go out and behave like that?  I  always examined my daughter for traces of the most god awful "orange" face fever which seemed to attract other girls of her age.   Imagine the things I'd have to say to Miley... .  Put your tush away. Keep your tongue in your mouth... it's not funny nor attractive. 
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?    None.  Any male celebrity I am interested in, I wouldn't want them to be my brother. ha ha haha ha  Currently Mr Timberlake. 

4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?   I married when I was 27.... 28?  27... yeah, 27.    It was a cool age ... but  I was ready 5 years before. I had another wife to get rid of :-) 

5. Do you know a hoarder?  Met my husband? 

6. Can you do a split?   My legs?  Christ no.   I'd really, really hurt.

7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?   Little, because I was only 4 when I fell off and the seat fell off, and i was very damaged by sitting on the lack of seat. 

8. How many oceans have you swam in?    The one off the coast of America... East Coast... The one off the coast of UK.,  That would be the same one.  The one off the coast of France. The one off the coast of Greece.. The one off the coast of Spain, the one of the coast of Africa. 

9. How many countries have you been to?       Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales, France, America, Austria, Yugoslavia, Greece, Spain....and soon, Iceland and Canada! hahaha

10. Is anyone in your family in the military?   My husband was a Sailor.

11. Have you named any of your body parts?    Yes, I have "A Head", "A Neck" "Shoulders", "legs", Feet".... anything else?

12. If you had a child today, what would you name him/her?       AuroraToolibelle...    My daughter calls herself that anyways.. I should have called her that

13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?   27percent. Mathematics. Not good.  Toolibelle Aurora is currently studying for a BSc in Maths.

14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?   Tomorrow People. 

15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?    Black Mail.   All in black with post cards stuck all over myself. 

16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?   All the Twilight, All the Harry Potter, One of the hunger games.  Not bad considering my old Age. 

17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?   I have both. :-) 

18. Did your mother go to college?   Nope. 

19. Are your grandparents still married?   My grandparents, hmm, that is a good question. They are dead.  Does marriage hold in death? 

20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?   ha ha ha ha ha No. 

21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?  Yes I do.  He was a hero of mine. 

22. What was the first amusement park you’ve been to?   Blackpool Pleasure Beach.  It doesn't compare to American ones. 

23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?   Gaelic, or Spanish.

24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?   Grey... :-)  I had to write that to figure it. 

25. Is your father bald?   My dad is deid.... But he was not, he had masses of hair

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday stealing :)

The What's What Meme 

What is on your bed right now?    Bean, the cat.  She Loves to sleep there during the day, after a hard night on the tiles.

What’s your favorite word or phrase?   Bollocks. Bugger.   Buggary Bollocks. 

What is the best ice cream flavor?   Vanilla with Tablet

Did you wake up smiling this morning?
   Hmm, I woke up with a weird noise at 6.40, and then went back to sleep and woke up a bit hazy.

Is there something in your life you used to have, and now miss? My Daddy!

What major company would you like to work for?   None, I'm quite happy where I was, but If I had to change, it would be BREWDOG

What time do you wake up on a typical morning?   720  I can remember a time when I woke at 545 because I had to get the 6.30 train !!! I could not go back to that. 

What holiday makes you sad?   New Years.  Doesn't it make everyone sad?

Where does a good night’s sleep rank on your priorities?   Very very, very high.  And a good morning sleep, and an afternoon nap.

One song that makes you cry?   Dance with my Father Again.

 How old was your mom when she had you?   25... I just had to use a bloody bollocky calculator to work that out!

When is the last time you went to the beach?   I'm just back from the beach.  Armistice Day service, I bimbled about the beach, while the service was on the prom. 

What is the most random object around you?   Pair of luminous green sunglasses

 What is your favorite sushi?    None really. 

What food do you find disgusting?   EVIL TAEMATAES

If you could have any type of dog in the world, what would it be?   Springer Spaniel, with a brain

What was the last meal that you made for yourself?    Oaft. Now you are asking. I have a husband who cooks. Can't actually remember the last time I lifted my hand!

Is the hard drive on your computer full or getting close to being full?     No idea... I have a husband who is an IT Whizz... He does that. ha hahaha 

Are there any songs that you prefer the acoustic version over the regular version?   I prefer acoustic versions of any song, because my son sings them acoustically. 

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Sorrow, Sorrow, Sorrow, Sorrow.....

The tumbleweed rolls, with a right lean, across the ethernet. 

Comments normally frequent are hesitant.   

Regular and constant companions on the web have disappeared.   

With a few strokes of the keyboard, I have alienated myself, and made myself feel bad, for being me. 

Blogging is supposed to be an outlet. A vent for emotions and feelings.   

I spoke, albeit in general, about my "episodes"; how medication helps me keep a balance; but how, more than anything, a cuddle and a touch of the hand from my other half does the rest.  

That is basically all I said.  But i've left people embarrassed and unsure what to say to me. 


I got to go back to hiding. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sunday Stealing from Quite a while back, and On A Tuesday.

The Letter A 
Are you agnostic?   Indeedy, In every sense of the word
What is your age?    Whatever Age I feel at any particular time of the day.  Today, am 28. 
What annoys you?   WM. pah ha ha ha

The Letter B
Do you like bacon?   Oh I do. I do.  Crispy, with brown sauce. 
When is your birthday?   April, at the end of. 
Who is your best friend?   My Si. oh yes indeedy. 

The Letter C 
What is your favorite candy?    is American Term, therefore I will opt for American Candy. Hershey Kisses
Who is your crush?    My Crush. Justin Timberlake. It's mutual. 
When was the last time you cried?   Hmm, recently. I cry quite a lot. 

The Letter D
Do you daydream?    To win the lottery, or just find money. 
What is your favorite kind of dog?   Springer Spaniel
What day of the week is it?    Is... Tuesday, had to think about that there. 

The Letter E
How do you like your eggs?   In the morning... I like mine with smile!
Have you ever been in the emergency room?   Yes, Sore Arm, Sore Leg, Sore Head.  Nothing Serious.  Heading there now in fact. 

What’s the easiest thing to ever do?  Breathe

The Letter F
Have you ever flown in a plane?   Yah, many plane. 
Do you use fly swatters?   I swat flies but not with a specific swatter. 
Have you ever used a foghorn?   I think so.  

The Letter G
Do you chew gum?   I do. 
Ever tried gazpacho?  Nope
Are you a giver or taker?   Both. :-)

The Letter H
How are you?   Fine thank you kindly for asking. 
What’s your height?   5.4½
What color is your hair? Brown, Red, Grey, Multi.

The Letter I
What is your favorite ice-cream?   Vanilla with Tablet Lumps
Have you ever ice-skated?  Oh Yes, used to be my favorite
Do you play an instrument?  I pretend to. 

The Letter J
What is your favorite jelly bean?   Buttered Popcorn
Do you wear jewelry?  Welding Ring
Have you heard a really hilarious joke? Yeah, but don't ask me to repeat it. 

The Letter K 
Whom do you want to kill?   WM.... Pha ha ha ha ha
Do you want kids?    I have kids, thank you for asking. 
Where did you go to kindergarten?   Mrs Griffith's house, in St Meddan's Street. 

The Letter L
Are you laid-back?  Yes I am. 
Do you lie?  No I don't

Do you love anyone?  I love my Si.I Love my babies. I love me mam.

 The Letter M
What is your favorite movie?  Dogma. 
Do you still watch Disney movies?  Yes, but not for a while
Do you like mangoes?   Yes. 

The Letter N 
Do you have a nickname?  Dogwithnobrain isn't my real name.
What is your favorite number? 6
Do you prefer night or day?  that sleepy bit in between. 

The Letter O
What is your one wish?   To be happy. Always. 
Are you an only child?  Nope. 
Do you wish this year was over? Nope

The Letter P 
What is one fear that you are most paranoid about?   Becoming too crazy to cope.
What personality trait would you look for in someone you wanted to date?   almost as crazy as me, but not quite. 

The Letter Q 
Are you quick to judge people?  Nah.  I have good inner feelings. 

The Letter R
Do you think you are always right? Yes, see above. 
Do you watch reality T.V.?   I try really hard not to. 
What is a good reason to cry? Reality TV 

The Letter S 
Do you prefer sun or rain?   Rain
Do you like snow?   Yes
What is your favorite season?  Autumn

The Letter T 
What time is it?   13:58
What time did you wake up?  7.28
When was the last time you slept in a tent? Last Summer (I gave you my heart. 

The Letter U
Are you wearing underwear?  Of Course. I am a lady. 
Do you open your eyes when under water?   Yes. 

The Letter V 
What is the worst veggie?  Evil Taemataes. (Yes, I konw it is a fruit)
Where do you want to go on vacation?  Mount Olive
What was your last family vacation together?  This year amazingly!

 The Letter W 
What is your worst habit?   Snoring.  Yes, I snore so loud I wake myself up. 
Where do you live?  SCOTLAND

The Letter X 
Have you ever had an X-ray?   yes, going to get one today too. 
Have you ever seen the X-Games?   Nope.
Do you own or have you ever played a xylophone?  Yes. 

The Letter Y
Do you like the color yellow?   My husband is yellow. I love yellow
What year were you born in?  Long Time ago in Bethlehem
What do you yearn for most?  Happiness  (and money

The Letter Z
What is your Zodiac Sign?  Taurus or Aries, depending how I feel . 
Do you believe in the Zodiac?  Depends how it reads.
What is your favorite zoo animal?Chimpanzees, which aren't monkeys, they are apes.  The difference is the tail. Monkey's have tails.  Apes dont! 





Sunday, October 20, 2013

What was your first alcoholic drink?    Hmmmm  Advocat! New Years.  Advocat watered down with lemonade.

What was your first job?   Pan washer in a restaurant.  Then I got promoted to dish water, then starter  maker

What was your first car?   A Blue Suzuki two seater. It was a fikking disaster from start to finish.

What was your first mobile phone?   A nokia brick. I loved it, with Snake.

What is your first proper memory?   Being inside my pram, being pushed by my Aunty and my Gran.  Past the Gas Works at Barassie. 

Who was your first teacher?   I had a Miss Griffiths as a nursery teacher who ran a "nursery" in her house.

Which fictional character do you wish was real?   Iron Man.  Schexy

Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?   When I was 8 to Jersey

Who was your first best friend?   J across the road. We were friends for years.  Now I can see her house frommy front room, and we don't even acknowledge each other. 

What was your first detention for?   A squeaky cow in History.

What's your strongest sense?   My heart. 

Who was your first kiss?  A chap called John, my sister sent him to me when I was 10...10  can you believe??  

What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema?   Bambi

What's the largest amount of money you've ever won?  £100

What's the largest amount of money you've spent in one spree?  Not that much.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?    Mental.

Have you ever got sweet revenge on anyone?   Yes. Karma's a bitch.

 Have you ever been to a live concert?   Yah.  Several.  Erm... Starting with Lulu, Slik, Simple Minds, ABC, Thomson Twins, U2, Sade, Euthyrmics, Cult, China Crisis, New Order, .... 

Have you ever been to see stand up comedy?   Yah,  Bloody funny, but bloody scary.

Have you ever needed stitches?  Yeah, but surgical. Not accidental.