Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday Stealing....

Book Survey!

Favorite children's book  

Any Alfie and Annie Rose Book by Shirley Hughes…. I read these to both my Kids, my own little Alfie and Annie Rose…. And they adored them. Lots of memories…. I couldn’t give them away ever.
The last book you've read

Phil Rickman, to Dream of the Dead… One of the Merrily Watkins Series…I like the idea of a kind rebellious vicar who is the “appointed exorcist”.

Books on your "to read" list : Paolo Cohelo, Brida, 11 minutes,  Diana Gabaldon, Echo in the Bone;    The Chimp Paradox,by Dr Steve Peters,  The Three Musketeers< Alexandre Dumas.

Top 5 authors
Iain Banks, Christopher Brookmyre, Diana Gabaldon, Paolo Cohelo.  John Irvine

Favorite genres

Comic, Historic, Psychological, Thriller, Soppy Rubbish

A book that has made you extremely mad   Dave Peltzer’s A Boy Named It.  Heartbreaking story which never should have happened.

A book that you've cried over     The Time Traveller’s Wife , Audrey Neffenegger…for 30 minutes before I reached the end, because I knew what was coming….

A book that made you laugh out loud: 
A Big Boy Did it and Ran Away by Christopher Brookmyre.  His physical description of accidental, and deliberate injury made me both roar with laughter and wince in pain.

Fiction or nonfiction?  
Fiction… I read for the escape…..

First book you've read by your favorite author…..   
The World According to Garp…  Which spawned a Kitteh called Garp, and an Undertoad….which exists to this day.

Best book-to-movie adaption  
See Above…. I couldn’t have identified a better casting than Robin Williams for Garp, Glenn Close, as his mother…. John Lythgo as Roberta.  Loved. Loved. Loved.

Do you read comics/manga?  

Hardcovers or Paperbacks?   
Paperbacks…. I’ve suffered too many facial injuries and wrist strains in bed with hardback.

Do you buy books as soon as they come out or wait a while?    
With some authors immediately….  Others I’m attracted to the cover… they may be years old. 

Do you buy books spontaneously without any prior knowledge of what happens in
it?   Absolutely.  Sometimes they are the best stories… I tend to judge a book by it’s cover J

Have you ever bought a book based on the cover alone?  Yes, of course… See Above.

Where do you usually buy your books?   
In a book shop…I love book shops. I cannot enter one without leaving with a book in hand.

Book that had a strong impact on you. 
The Alchemist.  Paolo Cohelo    Everything happens for a reason.  It does.  This inspired me.

Historical or science fiction?   
What about a mix of both?

Dystopian or Utopian?   
Again…. What about a mix.  A Dystopian Landscape which seems to be unworkable, which turns in to Utopia….  I thought that last night when I watched “After Earth”…. I thought… Earth looked lovely, they stayed away because everything was bred to kill – no, I think it was just back to the original.  They could have moved back and made heaven.

Sunday StealingWorst book-to-move adaption? 
Time Traveller’s Wife.  I was so disappointed by it.  But to be honest, the concept would have been difficult to create anyways. It was always going to be better in the imagination.

Book that should have a movie adaption?  
Outlander, and I am delighted to say that it has  been…..   Not on screen yet, still being made, but am loving the little insights, via twitter of the author.

The first book you've fallen in love with  :
 The Sacred Art of Stealing,by Christopher Brookmyre.  I can sit in a certain street in Glasgow and recreate the opening chapters of the book in my minds eye, and can sit for ages imagining it.

Humor or angst?  
A Bit of both…. “All Good Fun until Somebody Loses an Eye” by Christopher Brookmyre… a perfect example.  A mother / grandmother terrified for the life and safety of her family, coupled with the dawning realisation that she isn’t quite the frumpy settled down middle aged mam she thought she had become.

How many books do you own?  
Too many to count.

Do you go the library?  
I haven’t been for a while, but I do have a card.

How many books do you read a year?  
Not as many as I’d like to.

Favorite "required reading" book? 
Everyone should read The Alchemist.  I think it would inspire everyone.

Favorite quote?

“...there are certain mistakes that you know you just have to make, know you’re going to make, no matter what conscience, logic or fear are telling you. It’s a simple truth of human existence. Across thousands of years of civilisation, throughout the rise and fall of empires and our stumbling ascent from the forests to the stars, greater men than Zal had contemplated the wisdom of their intentions before coming to exactly the same conclusion.

And there was usually a girl involved, yeah.” 
Christopher Brookmyre

A book you absolutely hate  …..
 Is there one?


  1. I am going to have to look for books by Diana Gabaldon, you're the second person to mention her. I will add her to my list.

  2. The Three Musketeers....a re-read or for the first time? I didn't even think of it, but it is one of my favorite "classics." The 1973 movie version with Michael York is pretty good, too.

  3. The Time Traveler's Wife is one of my favorite books. I agree, the movie was a bit disappointing but still interesting. Although, I do adore movies, books are always better, aren't they?
    I've enjoyed looking at your blog and I like your style, photography & writing voice so I am nominating you for the Liebster Blog Award. I encourage you to keep blogging and visit my blog for more info about the Liebster.

  4. I agree with you about The Alchemist. A book that seems to change with me over the years as I re-read it.

  5. Anonymous3:35 pm

    The Alchemist is a wonderful book--it's my go-to gift book for graduations and other "next life chapter" events.
    I'd forgotten all about the "undertoad"!

  6. I have The Alchemist and never read it. You've inspired me to read it now. And yes, as you said, it's nice to find another Outlander fan! I'm looking forward to the movie very much!

  7. I loved both the Garp book and movie...

  8. Alfie and Annie Rose were loved in our house too. My daughter made her wish to learn to read plain with Alfie Gets in First one evening while I was cooking. Not the most patient of children I needed to tell her the words under her chubby finger whilst cooking and bouncing her baby brother, but that love of reading has never left and I still have this set of books on my bookshelf getting on for 20 years later :-)

  9. Garp was so great. Now i want to watch/read it again. Must read the Alchemist, too. So many books so little time!

  10. Anonymous8:49 pm

    Here is something worth mentioning, it's fresh and original: FAvorite Words .com... looking forward to see how this resource grows.
