Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Easter Meme

Hey Peeps - Please don't be offended by me today - I'm not a religious person, and Easter doesn't have the same meaning for me as for some of you who are visiting....  I do the eggs, and I do the chocolate...and that is all.  But happy Easter to those of you who celebrate in faith.

From the now-defunct blog of Tense Teacher (the link is dead).

What are your Easter traditions?    We tell Our daughter (aged 19 3/4) that the Easter Bunny is dead, and there will be no eggs or chocolate. 

Do you hard boil and decorate eggs?  Nope.  Easter was a thing in my house when I was little - sunday school and everything.   church no longer features in our house, so the symbolism of the rolling of the stone is not a tradition. 

How do you decorate your home for Easter?   We don't/ 

Do you make/buy special outfits for yourself and your kids on Easter?  No.  Never have.  Although I remember an "Easter Hat" competition at school when I was little. 

What is your favorite Easter dish? Don't have one.  We don't have "Easter" Meals.

When did you learn the truth about the Easter Bunny?   What truth?  That our cat killed him last week? 

Do you spend Easter at home, on vacation, or with family?   With the family, because we are all on holiday :-) 

First one up on Easter morning?  Normally our daughter... but since she turned in to a 19 3/4 year old party animal it's pretty much guaranteed that ANYONE else will be the one who is up first. 

Go to mass or church? Nope - Heathen.

What are your favorite Easter hymns and/or choir arrangements?   Non.

How many Easter egg hunts does your family usually participate in?  None.

Do you make deviled eggs out of leftover Easter eggs?   Nope.

Are you tired of eggs by the end of the Easter Season?   Nope. 

Are Peeps good or gross?   i'm not sure what Peeps is?  Is this an american thing? 

What company makes the best chocolate for Easter time?   Llindt

Lots of candy or not?   Candy is not just for Easter, Candy all the time. I'm British... have you seen British Candy? 

What is your favorite Easter candy?  Cadbury Creme Eggs

Do you find plastic Easter grass hidden in places for months after Easter is over?   Wow. This is something I have never, ever heard of. 

What’s your favorite color for fake grass? Green.

1 comment:

  1. British candy--yum! Especially Roses chocolates.
