Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday 5 Org


What’s something you do more quickly than most people?
Typing.  I have a very fast typing speed, not as fast as speed typists but in the region of 75 wpm

What’s something you do more carelessly than most people? Live.  I live carelessly. I should take more care.

What’s something you do more slowly than most people? Walk.  I have to jog to keep up with my husband. He walks with a big long stide, so maybe I don't walk slow, maybe I just walk with littler steps. 

What’s something you do more carefully than most people?  Sleep. I'm very careful about sleep. I like sleeping. I like to make sure I get enough sleep.

In what contexts are you more patient than most people?  Is anyone patient? 

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Baddest bad, in the Whole Darn Town.

Boy Am I ever tired. 

I worked really really hard today. I don't want you to think that I don't work hard ALL the time, but today I never lifted my head, and I lifted some boxes too which was difficult, given that the back went out again at the weekend.  But I took it easy and just shifted wee bits at a time.

I got the train home - the later one, which meant that I got off 2 miles from home. Then I walked home. I refused all offers of lifts, and walked. about 1.5 miles there I needed a pee, so I popped into the Nant and Nunks and used their facilities, and chatted to the Nunk for a bit.   I do love them to bits, and I'm always happier for popping into see them.

The walk along the beach tonight was amazing. The sun was setting, and although it was cold it was worth it to watch the sun setting against the beach and the water settling still.  Heaven. It really was.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'll give you more than I get........

Is Sunday.  I had a night out last night, with the family.  Tooli, Boy, Gran and Si! Nice! 

School ceilidh in aid of the Volleyball trip to Belgium.  Was quite a nice night out.  Take your own booze and food, which was very acceptable. No paying out for bottles and bottles or spirits! You could drink what you wanted and eat what you wanted.  Si was very entertained watching the dancing - he had absolutely no idea what was going on.

I managed to entice my son up for a dance and he danced the Gay Gordon's with me.  It was lovely, except I was exceptionally dizzy, he said I was twirling the wrong way, and My back went out again! That will teach me!

I had a good week for winning prizes!

I received my Valentine Nice Bag on Tuesday  - beer (which I drunk last night, and felt very ill with this morning), a corsette, eyelashes, lipstick, chocolates and a necklace. Very Very Nice.  Then I won a Travel Kit, from Nomad.  I'm looking forward to that, I think Si will want it!  Then I won 6 tickets for the Comedy Club on Friday night, then I won a personalised A4 notepad....  On a run! lovely Jubly. 

Enter Enter Enter. That's what I gotta keep doing!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday 5   check in and answer the questions.

Be honest: what are some rules you have for yourself that don’t really make much sense?
 Be Nice to at Least 3 people every day.  However I have just broken my own rule, because I wasn't nice to the once person who needs it.  The Crabby Postman.  He grunts every time he comes to the door and actually kicks the door open.  I usually open the door with a smile and a hello,and a "lovely day", but after six months of grunted reply, I don't see why he should be blessed with my loveliness.
What rules of questionable sense did your parents have for you when you were young?
I don't actually think my parents had rules for me when I was young. I pretty much had an idylic childhood. Parents who loved me, and sister who alternately loved and hated me. Friends.  We came and went as we pleased. I had no boyfriends, I was interested in playing and enjoying life.  I could go out in the morning and as long as I came in for tea time, (dinner time), I was good to go! 
What’s a rule most people (if not all people) seem never to obey?
Be nice to other people.
There are no rules governing the giving and receiving of Valentine’s Day gifts, but what rules should there be?
 Sentimental value only, no monetary value. A kiss, a cuddle, a smile, a wave. A hand made card. A Note, a Smile. No money should exchange hands in the name of love.
If the Golden Rule says you should do unto others as you’d have others do unto you, what would the Silver and Bronze rules say?   
Smile at everyone you pass.   Live each day like it was your last.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why oh Why oh Why Oh Why would I wanna be anywhere else?

Money makes the world go round and also has the ability to make your heart stop.

In reality, is only money.  You spend too much, you gotta pull back.  I'm at the pulling back stage right now.   Boy is aiming for USA in August, and I am going to have a back up of dosh to support him so this is where it start.

Have to start thinking about the Tooli and University. Wherever she goes it's gonna be medicine or sciences, which means books, tools and equipment.  Wow!   Why is it never people like us who win the lottery?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Oh Why Would I want to Be Anywhere Else

Initally I loved my blog, and then i hated it. 

My idea of my blog was to write things down that were bubbling around in my head - at the time I needed it most, the thing that I wanted to write about most, was reading my blog and I could not say anything. 

Now however, the thing is out of my life, and given it's short term memory retention I doubt that it would even remember the name of the blog so I would be free to expound on the horrors that were my working hours.   But Now I don't need to release my frustrations. 

It is horrible how one thing can fixate us so badly it affects the rest of our lives. It's not nice when your weekend is punctuated by the thought, "oh my god I have to face that again".   I cannot believe how free my life is now.  Okay - I still have family concerns (where are the kids, what are they doing, where will they end up, are they good), and money concerns (how can we spend so much money week in week out?), but work is settled, my love life is great.  How can one person love another for so long, and be at their best when they are with them? 

I truely found my soul mate with Si. I'm only a part when I'm without him. I'm a whole when we are together.   One of the problems with my old situation was that my togetherness was a problem. My happy family situation was a problem. Everything that I had, was a problem for them. In the end, I had to withdraw into myself and shut myself off from the misery that sat opposite me.   I could not share the enjoyment of my families success and acheivements. I could not share the sheer pleasure of a day spent with love ones.  I couldn't be myself, and help out, and smile and giggle, because all of that was a problem. 

Now I realise that the problem wasn't mine. It was theirs, and maybe I should have tried harder to make them see that life wasn't all bitterness and wanting. Maybe I could have demonstrated that life is enjoyment waiting to be grasped with both hands.  

But you know what, I believe I did try to do that and the negativity was too great to overcome.

Hey, You, I wanna Be Your Girlfriend

So, Back at work and every so little hazy.  

The sun is shining which is nice, and I have my rail card, in which I am really smiley, so that is also nice.

I forgot my phone which isn't so good, but hey. I'm not that important, no one REALLY needs to get a hold of me.

Ha. Spoke to Soon. Tooli just phoned me. Thought I had stolen her bank card, but in actual fact I had just dumped it at the front door when I came in. Obviously NOT quite as hazy as I thought. I still have recollection.  

Need to get up and move around a bit. Am actually quite scared, having not moved for an hour, worried that my back will be excruiciating.

Monday, February 15, 2010

When She Smiles uP Soft and Gentle

Ok, so I had a friend. 

Who liked to live in a veil of secrecy.   

Once she opened up and told me of a secret she had been keeping for 4 years, and I could not believe it.   How can you live in secret for 4 years.    I had hoped when she told me this secret that it would be the start of a more open and frank friendship. 

It wasn't to be. 

Another secret started and ran for 5 months before I became aware of it, and I only became included, because I was necessary to prolong the secret. 

The secret was quite open with me, and we communicated once or twice.  I reached out in friendship and was told in no uncertain terms not to do that.  Anonymity was required to sustain the relationship and previous knowledge would spoil what had been established. 

Obviously I am not the only person having secrets kept from.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I can't help believing....

Day 4 of the mega pills and pain free when I'm taking them. I lovely.  

Had a not good start to the day tho - Boy called at 9 to say "Since when did the bloody trains start at 9.45!!!"  As he was playing Volleyball at 10 in Troon it was necessary that I dragged myself out of my pit and headed to Ayr to get him, bring him home, get him fed and changed, and assess the hangover and take him back.

I went back to bed, and was awoken by him again arriving home with a mate for a shower and a quick change and then out again. I don't think i'll see him now til late.  Is his girlfriend's brothers birthday and he appears to be part of their family celebrations now... strangely. 

Weirdly. I am sitting upstairs with colour on my hair whilst Tooli stands down stairs and talks to Boy's mate.  I don't know how long this conversation is going to go on, but as they are standing at bottom of stairs, I am kind of stuck in bedroom as I only have towel wrapped round me! I think I am going to have to dash, because I have had colour on my hair for 20 minutes now... I'm going to be scarlet!! ARGH NO!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I can't help what I feel inside.

So, two weeks ago on Saturday, I bent down over the electric meter in the hall cupboard, and.... sneezed.

I felt the rip in my back, and thought, bloody hell I've just ripped my intestines in half.  I straightened up and yowled. I turned I yowled. I sat down I yowled.

So, now, 12 days later, I gave in and went to the doctors.  My husband was getting increasingly concerned at my staggering up and down the stairs, yowping each time I stood up, yowping each time I lay down, generally yowping. All over the place.

I have a slipped disc.  Thank god.  I honestly thought I had ripped my intestines.  I mean nothing was falling out of my body, but I was expecting it to.  But now I know that with a bit of pain relief and relaxation, it should pop back into place.   Plus the added benefit of rather attractive painkillers and diazepam.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why Don't You Come out of the Closet My Friend

I love it when my boy has his mate round and they are singing. 

There is nothing quite as warming as hearing your kid laugh so much he is nearly crying. Sadly though, the cause of the hilarity will have to remain inside our house - unless the two of them want to be taken up for liable.

I may post one of their songs, but I think I will have to edit the words, and maybe change some of the lyrics! They actually sound really great, and the laughing that goes along with it is infectious and leaves  you happy for a good nights sleep.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Made with Love..... For Valentines day!

Follow this link to find a lovely competition, to win something made with love!

I'm all soppy.  And I want to share this with you!