Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Stealing : The Over the Top Mem

Sunday Stealing: The Over the Top Meme

Part One - Describe:

Your hair?
A bit messy.  Several different colours, probably grey underneath, in fact I know it is underneath, but I'm not sure just how bad it is. I'm in the process of trying to find out. I'm rejecting permanent colour in favour of temporary and so far, I'm not liking what I'm seeing.

Your mother?

Has just turned 70 and is just as bad now as she was at 50! Prone to a good night out, and prone to jetting out all over the world, or Tenerife. What can you do with them??

Your father?
Is a hawk. Living on and around the A78 A77, or in fact wherever I am in a car wondering about him.  The human version of him died way back in 1985, but he has been reborn as a hawk, looks quite like him, and I know he's keeping an eye on me! Is brilliant!
Your favorite food?
Anythink my husband cooks. Seriously. I am prone to a risotto, or anything that he produces.   Eating out, I like a nice rare fillet Steak, King Prawns, Tiramisu
Your dream last night?
I had a funny wee dream, on Thursday night, can't remember Friday or Saturday. My daughter was pleased with Thursday's dream tho.
Your favorite drink?
Drambui on Ice.
Your dream/goal?
To have enough money to do EVERYTHING.
The room are you in?
Our living room.  In shades of Beige, and a nice big red throw to brighten things up.  Avril Paton Prints. French Prints a reminder of a weekend in Paris. Ikea Lamps, flat screen TV. and piles of washing....
Your hobby?
Reiki, Card Making, Bad Knitting.
Your fear?
My children not being happy.
Your TV?
A flat screen, with Dr Who on it!
Your Pets?
Beany and Beau, our two cats! We used to have Garp and Rue, The Original Pussy Cats, but they both died a couple of years ago and we were heart broken, it took a half eaten tunnock teacake, and three dead mice in traps before Si was convince enough to get another one, then there were also the bunny who sadly now are also past. Thumper and Blue were gorgeous Bunnies who we all loved.
My Si is my best friend in the world.  The Wee-Devil is my dearest bud.  She know my secrets (of which there are really none), and I know hers, normally about 3 months after they occur. ha ha ha ha, and then she lies some more to cover them up.  I have a myriad of Fiona.  Apparently I attract Fiona towards me.
Your life?
Is precious and busy.
Your mood?
Is variable.  Much more middle of the road now - I use to have major mood swings but since I started Reiki, not so much. Much gentler person now.
If you're missing someone?
I was missing my Si yesterday.  He was up a hill. Spends a lot of time up there...
Your best friend?
My honey Si.
Part Two - The Where's?

Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Sunning myself in Los Angeles celebrating my son's new job with a major universaity in California.
Where were you last night?
Was here, on couch, after a tiring day, at Hockey Pitch, in Rain, In Edinburgh and briefly, Dunfermline.
Where did you grow up?
In Troon.  And now I've come back.
One place that I go to over and over?
Edinburgh. I love Edinburgh. In my heart it is home.   I felt it yesterday.
Your favorite place to eat out?
Right now, is Grill on the Corner.
Wish list items?
a new car for my son, a wardrobe for my daughter, full of designer "belts"
Last time you laughed?
I laugh all the time. Life is fun.
Last time you cried?
Oh I cried, loads at an Episode of Alli McBeal recently. I hadn't watched it in forever, and WAM. It got me, unexpected. I was sooo distraught.
Part Three - The What's?

Something that you aren't?
Last thing you did?
transcription for  a court case
What are you wearing?
joggies and a zebra t-shirt
Something you're not wearing?
Your favorite store?
I love Borders Books.  Especially if they have a starbucks.

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