Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The undernoted post, has gotten me through to the final of a competition, I'm going to stop doing these comps. I get so competitive, and harass everyonen to death trying to get them to vote for me. ..... So After this comp. I won't do it any more. If you click on the link, you can vote....... Please do.... It will make an old lady very happy! - Helen Cruse, is the real name!!!

99% of anything in the world.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

99% off Anything in the World, As Long as it is Less than 500 Squids!

99% of anything in the world.

I thought instantly of the most expensive thing I could buy and then sell on Ebay. However, the biggest anything I could buy, would probably wipe me out in Postage Costs.

So I read the terms, Up to a Value of £500.00.... Hmmmm

I asked the question to my husband. "there's nothing I want", he said. "What if you HAD to buy something", I said, "hmm, nothing I can think of". "look you have to have something!" He finished with "I'd take us all away for the weekend (that would be four of us, and we are very cheap and easy to please - 500 would be more than enough).

I asked the question to my daughter, the reply was as expected "put it in the bank". Does that work. If I say £500.00 to put in the bank, would you give me £495.00, if I opened the bank account?

I asked the question to my son, but he was either (a) playing volleyball or (b) gazing lovingly at his girlfriend while she played volleyball - He would buy new volleyball trainers, probably, or keep the money for his holiday.

All in all, a very content family. No one wants for anything, and they were all struggling to think of something to buy for £500.00.... what are we like? What are we going to do when we win the lottery!

I think I will go for my husband's suggestion - but compromise a bit on it. Our holiday this year, is £550.00 - I have already paid a deposit of £100.00, so the money would cover that. Where are we going? The Tiny Isle of Shuna off Oban. No Electricity. No TV. A little motor boat to drive around in. My idea of heaven - Heaven with Cream if someone else was paying for it!

99% of Heaven!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

People Say, I'm the LIfe of the Party

I am having a lovely weekend.

Yesterday, I had lunch with Wee-Devil, which was delightful. Her capacity to eat, and remain an incy tincy little figure amazes me.

She managed 3.5 courses yesterday. I say 3.5, because she had gotten started in about her main course, when we decided (together) that the chicken was a bit pink! The Duty manager didn't think it was, but was happy to trade it should we wish! Of course we bloody wished. It was pink.. What do you get from Pink Chicken? Salmonella? Tiramisu? Or Something Similar.

Anyway. Suffice to say, it went back to the kitchen, and Tool and I finished, before hers came back to the table. .... By which time she had consumed a portion of fries, and was feeling quite satiated, but didn't disappoint and finished the refurbished meal.

Then we had Pud! O MG I Love Pud I do. Not that my Spaghetti Carbonara Wasn't gorgeous, but Pud Is Best.

Tool was with us - Always a pleasure, but getting less so, because she is so gorgeous, and skinny and gorgeous, and gorgeous. Did I mention she was gorgeous? She is very glam, and makes me feel very redundant mother.

Boy, had another first yesterday. Stag Party! Ha ha ha ha Probably about the same age I was when I first experienced Hen parties.... Maybe a little older.

Train to Glasgow (drinking on the train... why did no one arrest them???). Pints and harrassing Hen Parties in the City, and then off to the Dogs! Boy done me proud. Realised when he was on a winning streak and stopped betting (£100 up), and stopped drinking when he realised he was beyond redemption.

I locked the door before he came home because we very strangely had a burg-le-are this week in the street. (Very very unusual occurrence around here). (and that is the way I SPELL AND SAY IT). So I text him and told him to phone my mobile when he was nearly home so I could open door. Typically his phone died, and at 1.30 am I was awoken by Burg-le-are knocking the door to get in! HUmph. He was very concerned cause I looked a bit perturbed, but that is what I look like when I am disturbed by breaking and entering at 1.30 in the morning.

It could have been worse!

My Si is up a hill (Where Else I hear you ask). One called the Cobbler. Aw. I will go up a hill with him one day. I will.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm like a Bird.... I'll only fly away.....

Friday 5.org

Copy my questions... Click on the link above.. and leave a link to your page, and check out other peoples responses.

What’s the most annoying sound in the world?
Big Breath In..... Heavy Sigh Out. Repeated. Over and Over.

Which of other people’s mannerisms do you find very annoying?
See 1. Above.

What do you do that really annoys others?
Laugh A Lot, Smile A Lot, Love Life, threaten noisy sex with my husband.

In what way has your own behavior recently caused you annoyance?
I am....i believe a complete pain in the arse to everyone around me. Sometimes.

Who’s the most annoying person you know?
There is someone, locally, who drives me insane and a lot of other people. I try and keep my opinions to myself, but when I hear other people making the same comments about them, it makes me laugh and think I can't be all wrong

Thursday, April 23, 2009

99% off Anything in the World, As Long as it is Less than 500 Squids!

99% of anything in the world.

I thought instantly of the most expensive thing I could buy and then sell on Ebay. However, the biggest anything I could buy, would probably wipe me out in Postage Costs.

So I read the terms, Up to a Value of £500.00.... Hmmmm

I asked the question to my husband. "there's nothing I want", he said. "What if you HAD to buy something", I said, "hmm, nothing I can think of". "look you have to have something!" He finished with "I'd take us all away for the weekend (that would be four of us, and we are very cheap and easy to please - 500 would be more than enough).

I asked the question to my daughter, the reply was as expected "put it in the bank". Does that work. If I say £500.00 to put in the bank, would you give me £495.00, if I opened the bank account?

I asked the question to my son, but he was either (a) playing volleyball or (b) gazing lovingly at his girlfriend while she played volleyball - He would buy new volleyball trainers, probably, or keep the money for his holiday.

All in all, a very content family. No one wants for anything, and they were all struggling to think of something to buy for £500.00.... what are we like? What are we going to do when we win the lottery!

I think I will go for my husband's suggestion - but compromise a bit on it. Our holiday this year, is £550.00 - I have already paid a deposit of £100.00, so the money would cover that. Where are we going? The Tiny Isle of Shuna off Oban. No Electricity. No TV. A little motor boat to drive around in. My idea of heaven - Heaven with Cream if someone else was paying for it!

99% of Heaven!

There's a Million Reasons to Say I love you

Thursday already. I don't want to wish my life away, but Saturday is on the way......

I do look forward to my weekends. The week has gone non-stop as you can see from my lack of appearance. Let's think. I went to a fashion show on Monday - highly entertaining. Really busy, so Me, Mum and Jacquii ended up sitting in different rooms. But it was a giggle!

Tuesday I had a quiet night. I didn't have a good day at work, and so I went home and consumed a very large glass of Baileys and half a tub of Manchinis Icecream. Very Good.

Wednesday, I had my hair chopped ... well chopped.

I officially have very little hair. But is so much easier to cope with!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Stealing....... Sunday Sunday......

I missed this one question from a Sunday Stealing, and I think it is important and needs an answer.

1. How did you come up with your blog title OR what does it mean?
Dogwithnobrain, is not a derogatory reference to me, although some people may believe so. Dogwithnobrain is actually a loving term for my Mum's ex-dog. Ex as in Deid! Dylan was the original and best Dogwithnobrain, it is he in the pictures. He was a dog of very little brain, so much so that it was believed there was none there at all. Dylan broke his poor wee back about 5 years before he died, and managed to get walking again after much treatment and time at the Vet's Hospital at Glasgow, and much loving care from my Mum, but probably mostly, because of the lack of brain, he didn't realise that he couldn't walk. Even with his limpy leg afterwards, he still insisted on trying to jump and catch the washing lines..... he quite liked to dangle off the washing line until it pinged out of his mouth and all the pegs went soaring through the air. Dylan was successor to Honey Pig. The Dog with Little Brain, but Big Heart.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Read My Friday 5, and then Copy and Complete your own. Link back to Friday5.org and leave a comment!

1. When did you last sleep in a tent?
Now, I quite like sleeping in a tent, but to be honest, it's been a while. Maybe 2 years. At Eskdale - Fisherground Camp Site. A beautiful beautiful place that everyone should visit to clear their heads.

2. What comes to mind when you think about relieving yourself in the great outdoors?
What is going to bite my bum. What Might sneak up my bum hole?

3. Where’s the best place you ever went camping?
See One Above.

4. What’s your favorite camp food?
Oh. Damper Bread we bake on sticks over the camp fire, stuffed with Jam or Butter. Also - It is amazing just what you can cook over a fire. Jelly Babies, Marshmallows, Lumps of bread

5. What’s your sleeping bag like?
Zipped together with my mans so that I can snuggle in and be protected from the nasty beasties and axe murderers who are roaming the campsites.

A Promise That You Won't Change Somehow....

Sunday Stealing: The Green Meme

1. What is your current obsession?
Cappucino Jelly Bellys

2. What’s a good coffee place?

3. Who was the last person that you hugged?
My Honey, My Si.

4. Do you nap a lot?
Not as much as I used to. I used to suffer from Sleeping Sickness and could sleep anywhere any time, but recently I've been far more awake.

5. Tonight, what’s for dinner?
Fish I think. Not because it is Friday, just cause that is what we decided.

6. What was the last thing that you bought?
A bag of Crisps in Sainsbury

7. What is your favorite weather?
Autumn, Bright, Crisp, Clear

8. Tell us something about one blogger who you think will play this week?
Which Blogger, Playing Where?

9. If you were given a free house that was full furnished, where in the world would you like it to be?
France, Bordeaux

10. Name three things that you could not live without.
Si, Boy and Tool

11. What would you like in your hands right now?

12. What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
Drambui on Ice

13. What would you change or eliminate about yourself?
FLobby Belly

14. As a child, what type of career did you want?

15. What are you missing right now?

16. What are you currently reading?
Love's Executioner

17. What do you fear the most?
Doooo Dooooo Monster who was out in force last night.

18. What’s the best movie that you’ve seen recently?
Hmmmm. I seen something last week, but I can't remember it.... ha ha ha ha Shows how good it was.

19. What’s your favorite book from the past year?
Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks.

20. Is there a comfort food from your childhood that you still enjoy?
Toast and Lemon Curd.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

And While I'm Worth, My Room on This Earth

Back to work. Jees. Am exhausted. Getting out of my bed was traumatic, not that I even lay that late while I was on holiday.

The sun was shining which made it better, but hey, I'd far rather be laying outside in the garden, than sitting in the office. The wind is blowing wildly today - I don't envy anyone trying to sail today, - they'll either get blown back the way they are coming, or blown directly where they are going. No inbetweens.

Tool is having a sleep over tonight - which is going ahead despite a strop last night. She was going for the train at 8.00 pm, dolled up to the nines. I told her Dad I would prefer it if he walked with her. You can imagine the reaction that had. I brought it up on the way home, and she stropped about it. Said she wasn't but as she never spoke to me all the way home, I believe there was most definitely a strop. Deary Me. We didn't have this problem with Boy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Brilliant days, wake up on brilliant days

Wheeem away Awheeem Away Ooooooohhhhh

So, Last day of my holidays. Kids been back a 2 days, and they have disappeared off the radar again!

They so don't need me any more. What I need, is my bed. Am very sleepy. But instead, I will go mow the law.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We Are The Champions......

Way Hay. Folks!




Now.... If you'd like to vote for a cute bunny.....


Monday, April 13, 2009

It's not the way you have your hair......

Hmm Kids Are Due back in a couple of hours. Not sure exactly when. Tool has just phoned from Gretna, sounds exhausted, but still like Tool.

Si and I have had a productive day... Si more so than me. He totally massacred the garden, but has probably gotten us back about 6 square metres. Makes me giggle everytime I look out the back door.

We are sitting watching Programmed tv while we wait for the call. Yawn.... Need to sleep.


So, back to our lovely weekend in Edinburgh.

You can see the photos at the foot of yesterday - We drove down the Bridges, across to Leith Walk and right down past the Terminal... Ocean Terminal or Queens Terminal or something... New shops in Leith. It's all fancy down there now. It used to be really awful, but now is very classy.

We headed out for Crammond and parked up alongside another 50 cars, and padded along the beach. After some in- and outing we kept walking into water, rather than along the line of the waves, we made it to the walk way. You can only reach Crammond Isle within 2 hours either side of the low tide mark. There were literally hundreds of people following the path over, and families scrambling all over the hills on the isle. I sat on my butt at the foot of the hill and enjoyed the sunshine, while Si (who loves hills), scrambled up to the top.

We set off home after stopping briefly at Giles Centre for a Starbucks. WOw. That was necessary. We unpacked and then bimbled down to the Towers for a "Last Night without the Sprogs" Supper. Lovely. I had prawns in Filo Pastry and Si had haddock and Chips. It was a bit scrummy but definitely signalled the end of eating and drinking. Boy were we stuffed. We walked very slowly home, and then sat comotose on the couch, trying to let the effects of a day and a half of eating and drinking sink in, and then headed up to bed...which was very very welcome.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

And my heart beat fast as I came through the door

Si and Me are just back from a stay over in Edinburgh. Weekend away without the Kids, first time in too many years.

We had a ball. We were staying at the Radisson on the Royal Mile. Heaven. We were a bit confused by the Carpet on the Bed.. or is this a new Colin and Justin thing I'm not aux fait again. Once we arrived, we left immediately and headed down the road to look for a Jewellers Shop - A customer in the marina had told me that his daughter had this jewellers shop and I should call in. Unfortunately I didn't, cause the girl behind the counter scared me a bit. I hope that wasn't his daughter.

We went for a pint to the World's End bar, and discovered a lovely 8 pub crawl card, which if you got stamps from 6 of the pubs, you got a free t-shirt. We did two of them, and set off across Princes Street, to find the Leith Ones., but we couldn't find them, and settled for just any old pub crawl. We hit Rose Street, had a couple, and then headed back up the mound towards the Royal MIle, where we partook of The Jolly Judge, and the Ensign Ewart.

We headed back down the Mile to the hotel to collect jackets cause the sun was going down, and then headed out for eats . We very luckily found Gordons Trattoria - and grabbed the last seat available without a booking.... and without having to wait.

Si had Seafood Risotto, and I had Raviloi in a Cream Sauce, and a bottle of the House Plonk between us. Yum.

Back out again, and this time we headed for Victoria Street, and down the Grassmarket. We went into the Last Drop and then headed down the way towards The Bee Hive where I sat outside, in my favourite position in Edinburgh.

MOre about today, tomorrow. Sleepy Now.

Friday, April 10, 2009

And I would Have stayed up all night with you

Quiet House.

Is true what they say, you forget what life was like without kids.

Our two are away in Belgium playing Volleyball. We've had a couple of text from them - they are both okay and not worrying about us. Boy was slightly worried that I might wear his dad out.... but he's okay on that count (for now).

We indulged in a wee drink last night. And I lay in bed watching some god -awful crap on TV this morning. Thank god I work. Si went out for a walk. Up to Dundonald Hill and back. I would have gone with him (Promise) but he walks far too fast for me, and I would have been gasping for breath before the end of the street.

We've bimbled down to the supermarket, got a couple of things for tea, and now I'm entering competitions madly while he prepares our Chickpea feast. I'm reiking tonight, and while I'm doing that, he is going to go and do things at the Scout hall. All good.

Tomorrow. We are going to EDINBURGH. I am SOOOO Excited. We are staying in Radisson - I was going to cancel for Travelodge, but everywhere is booked up. We are just going to bimble and drink. How lovely to have a little freedom. Don't get me wrong, I'm missing the kids, I really am, but it is rather nice, to be able to bimble freely for one weekend, (in 18 years),with no requirement to be at hockey, or volleyball, or to pick up from Cinema, or drop off at friends houses.

Thank you Mr and Mrs Reid, I really love you.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

I got Your Number, Written on the Back of My Hand....

I have a telephone Stalker.

I have a pretty good idea who it is,but she is denying it.

I am launching a new attack.

I am setting my alarm clock for 3 am in the morning, and will send texts back at that time.

Then I will phone. Repeatedly until they have to put the phone off.

If she doesn't admit it is her, I will take Jack away, and put something else in his place.

A Barry. Yes, A Barry I think.


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

And I, I've got to have my way now, baby

I never realised how difficult it was to generate interest in something that only you have interest in. Hmmm. www.polr.co.uk/mask SNOW HOLE Vote for Snow Hole Am going for Subliminal messaging now.

So, kids are going to Belgium tonight / tomorrow morning. We have to be at School for 4 am tomorrow morning. I have left them instructions to do the last of their shopping tonight - mostly toiletries - Tool bought up all the fashion stores at the weekend, tho why exactly she needs a new wardrobe for three days of volleyball tournaments is beyond me!

Si and I are building up to a weekend alone. First time in years....... 19 years to be exact. what will we talk about..... Will be soooo excellent, and no we won't have a problem. I never have a problem talking.... And we are off work. I am trying to work extra hard and fast today, just to make sure I have everything cleared, or ready to go while I am away. I also have a Reiki tonight, and 4 on Friday. I got stuck in about the actual essay for OU last night, not just the "planning" stages of it. How lovely it is to use your brain for creative pieces? Busy Busy Lady.
www.polr.co.uk/mask SNOW HOLE Vote for Snow Hole

Monday, April 06, 2009

Ah, I should have Known from the Very Start


www. polr.co.uk/mask

This is a competition in which I am currently in the final 10.

You need to click on this button, and select "SNOW HOLE".


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sunday Stealing!!!!

Where have I been,,,, where has the week gone..... I have been about.. see me on Twitter, and see me on Facebook....... Both are a wee bit faster and immediate. I stole again, from Sunday Stealing... I Love It!

How did you come up with your blog title OR what does it mean?

1. What are your general goals for blogging?
A Diary, for Me, for my Family, and for people i know and love, and don't make the time to see often enough.. (Yeah, Nunky and Nant that be you! I'm sorry I don't get round as often as I'd like).

2. Do people “in your real life” know that you blog and do they comment on your blog OR is it largely anonymous?
Most people who know me, and I "know" very few people, I am very private person, and don't really like socialising outside my family group, they all know of my blog - see one above - it is my means of keeping them up to date with all my happenings - which occur around my wee family!

3. How often do you post (x per week)?
I like to try and blog every couple of days... but you'll see from the last post... that I have been rather lacks of late! Don't know where I've been... Oh yeah, Thursday I was sick-- I think it was food poisoning, I was REALLY Sick, and on Friday I was out Reiki'ing

4. How often do you read other blogs (x per week)?
I read 4 other blogs as often as they update. Wee Devil, Ella Jaye, Jane Godley and Sunday Stealing, I suppose 5, if you could Friday 5 too. but I've been drifting away. Oaft, I just remembered Amber too.

5. How do you select blogs to read (do you prefer blogs that focus on certain topics or do you choose by tone or…?)
Normallly Wee-Devil refers me to blogs... she is very indepth in her blog reading. Enclycopedic knowledge of them. I like them, I just don't always get back, but Forever Amber is very good.

6. Do you have any plans to copy your blog entries in any other format, 0r do you think that one day, you’ll just delete it all?
I would love for to publish all my blogs. I love going back and seeing what I was up to two years ago. I was distraught when Blogger's robots decided I was one of them, and blocked me for three days! I spent two months trying to log on to a book publisher which will upload your blog - only to realise about at the 100 attempt I was using wrong log in!!!

7. What are the things you like best about blogging?
I love looking at my hits. I love seeing where people are reading me from, and I LOVE meeting new Friends, albeit far away friends. Hallo Ella!

8. What are the things you don’t like about blogging?
There are things I'd like to say, but I can't because some people read my blog who I thought didn't and therefore I can't be as generally abusive as sometimes I think I'd like to be, however there are ways round that, and I do exist in other formats else where! Can you find me?

9. How do you handle comments?
I love comments, unless they are less than complimentary, or about my nipples. YEs, Wee-Devil that would be you.

10. Do you have any burning thoughts to share on blog etiquette?
None what so ever. Every Blogger to their own.

11. Any desired blog features?
I wish my phone would update to my blog - hence my disappearance for a couple of days there - Uploading to Facebook and Twitter from phone is SOOOOO convenient.

12. Have you suffered blog addiction?
Erm, in terms of mine or stalking other people?

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I used to think it was so complete.

Life is exhausting, Exhausting, but fun.

After last night - Si ran me to work this morning, which in itself was lovely, Auditor was in to check my accounting. It's all going well so far, I've found all the bits of paper he is checking for, and able to answer all his questions. It involved a bit of lugging boxes around - I archive religiously, but at least I found everything.

Si came and picked me up - here we are driving home. Do you see the sunshine, and lack of jackets??? Yes Sunshine happened today, it was glorious.

We got home - via Morrison, and the Station, and then I had to go back out , because we lost Boy. He had been in Edinburgh for Open Day at Napier.... Came home and insisted that the train didn't stop at our stop. Hmmm. I wonder.

Home, - Tooli out to Volleyball, I just sat down for some strawberries and cream, and the phone went. Tooli. You are supposed to be at Belgium meeting tonight. Back into car, back to school, up to the meeting, where I heard everything I've heard for the last three years, and listened to the new mum's worry about whether their kids would be taken care of. If there is one thing I have learned from Boy's six years (almost) at Marr, it's that you can trust these teachers to take care of your kids like they were their own... they can't afford not to - someone is bound to sue the pants of them if they don't. I find that the kids have a ball on these trips, and come home a little wiser and a little more experienced with the world.

What will be funny is that Si and me will be all alone, Thursday thru Monday!!!! How weird is that going to be! We're going to have to get to know each other all over again! - And Tooli - THAT MEANS WITH NOISE!!!!!!