Monday, October 08, 2007

For the Past has been bottled, and labelled with love

I hired a private detective once. Truly I did.

I was in to the third year of my relationship with Si, and his ex-wife to be was giving us such a hard time. She had convinced the Navy he wasn't paying Maintenance (which he was), and that she was living alone with his child (which she wasn't), and they were making deductions straight from his wages - which meant she was getting twice!

The Navy, and the Social needed evidence that she was living with someone else so I called "the detective". He was brilliant. Dirty raincoat and hat. Just like the movies. He came in and said "is it hubby, is he playing away?" Ha ha. His face when I said, "yes he was playing away, but I was the other woman and I needed the wife watching.

He was fascinated. Even more so when I told them where she lived, and he said that he was down there "serving" quite a lot, so he could get information without it costing me anything. It took him 2 days to establish that she had a man living with her. How lovely for the Social Security Anonymous Phone Call Department...


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