Friday, October 05, 2007

You're a bonafide in every respect

Is Friday.

I Love Friday. I was very sleepy this morning, could have lain there all morning, but hey ho work calls. Long Lie tomorrow. Steven is going to play volleyball in Wishaw again tomorrow, not sure if we have to get up and take him there. Eilidh is not playing hockey, but hopefully will be in a couple of weeks. She is showing willing and is VERY keen. Can't see why she wouldn't.

Did another Reiki last night for my Sister. That's two this week - one for mum, one for her. Also helped Jacqui collect info for my nephew's coursework. - Due in tomorrow. Weans. They are all the same eh?

Is ANOTHER beautiful day. Am going to drive all the way up with the windows wide to the world, not because the car smells of sick, (that's cleared up now), but because I want to feel the fresh air in my hair.



  1. I sicked up a whole spinach leaf last night! Nice.

  2. spinach leafs are toattie. Eh?
