Friday, December 28, 2007

Things are getting strange, I'm starting to worry

K meets Jesus on the bus.

I forgot to mention to her, that I met him on my Christmas Night out in Largs.

Was definitely him. I'm not sure what her Jesus looks like, but mine looked like Jesus, just before he got arrested. Only problem I had with him was that he had eye liner on. How Do I know this? Well I was contemplating how I could take a photo of him, with my phone, subtlety because since the bar was so empty he was sitting by himself. L asked me what was troubling me and I explained about K's relationship with Jesus and how I wanted to check it was the same one, with a photo. And L said,, "Oh wow - Yeah, the Jesus thru there with the eye liner on".

He knew we were talking about him. Because Jesus knows everything apparently.

(i know this guy is actually Pete Wentz - but if you imagine him with longer hair, and no hat, and of course the loin cloth, this is really what jesus looked like)


  1. But I taught you how to take photos. Put phone in mouth.

    Phone - Mouth - Click - Done.

  2. Yeah, and there was me, the bar, and Jesus.
    If I stood there, camera in mouth, as he stood about 5 ft away from me, staring at me with his khoeled eyes then he would have known exactly what I was doing..... infact..... he knew what i was doing anyway hence the reason he was staring at me, everytime I dragged someone else thru to have a look.

    Oh yeah ---- and says you who has yet to produce a clear photo of Bus Jesus..

  3. Ahh but the bus moves. And someone very tall always sits in front of me.
