Monday, June 30, 2008

.....and kung fu in the car park

Know what? Working at the weekend leaves one confused.

I was in all over the weekend, and now it's monday, but it feels like wednesday. Good job I only have 2 weeks until I'm On Holibags! Joy Joy Joy. Shuna Here I Come.

This time last year, I was pooping myself at what I had let myself in for, but after a week of heaven with no electricity and peace perfect peace I am desperate to get back there again.

This weekend, I have mostly been entering competitions. Over the weekend I have entered 30 - postcard ones, and heaven knows how many on line. Fingers Crossed that I win something.

Ta Da. Still taking thepills.....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wish it was SUnday....

Wow It is.

Weird just now.

Tool is in Switzerland. Si Is up a Hill. Boy keeps going out to Parties.

Very alone.

Went back to work yesterday, which was interesting cause there was no one else there. Back in again this morning. Holding off a sore head - but hey I've just taken mypain killers so soon, there will be no sore anything. >


Friday, June 27, 2008

When Tomorrow Comes

1. What was the last thing you purchased from a vending machine?
Water I think. Yeah, Water. At Meadowmill Sports Centre. I was waiting for Tool and 3 of her mates. It was a roasting day, which I had spent walking the length and bredth of Edinburgh and then Roslin Abbey - I was gasping for a drink. The machine had loads of different waters, I was so grateful for cool liquid.

2. What was the last thing you made copies of on a photocopier?
At work I copied a working sheet. We had a complicated deal - someone traded a boat and there were mad costs associated, and trying to work out exactly how much should be accounted was complicated. So I relied on the people who did they deal.

3. When did you last use a pay telephone?
In the town one morning. I didn't have my mobile with me... and of course it would be the one time that I needed to ask Si something. I'm glad he was at home ... cause I can never remember mobile phone numbers. Do you know that the easiest sequence of numbers to remember is 6. 7 numbers start to confused your mind. Mobile numbers are too long to remember easily, so I have to break them into sections. 0786 123 5098 see...... that is not Si's number by the way

4. How often do you visit an automatic teller machine?
Ha - At least once a week, maybe twice. I take a lump out for weekly shopping, and enough to see us thru the rest of the week, but pretty much guaranteed that I'll need more... for kids' trips, petrol, more food, gawd nows, there are millions of things.....

5. Which of your daily tasks would you most like to see automated
aw jees. Know what I think that I would love a teasmaid. So that in the morning I can wake up to a cup - only problem is I vary between tea and coffee.... do teasmaids make tea and coffee? or only Tea? Mmmm. And then, perhaps something to get me washed and dressed. And then make me appear to work without driving. Then come home at mid-afternoon, cause I'm so organised I can do my work in half a day, and have the tea all made. So that I can enjoy dinner time, and the evening with my family. Cool.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

She's Leaving On A Jet Plane.....


Tooli is away........ to Switzerland. We dragged ourselves out of bed this morning at 3.50 am to get her down to airport.

Last night was a trauma with her and her dad fighting over what was going in the case. Heavens!

When we got down to Airport one of the mothers said that she had been down to the airport twice that week to weigh the cases, and they had advised that they would accept up to 15.8 kilos!! We were struggling to loose .2 kg because we were terrified it would be too far over!

The kids are flying from Prestwick to Beauvais and then collecting their bus, and driving to Switzerland - wowser eh? How bloody fantastic! Boy has been there twice before - once with the Scouts and the first time with the School. She will just LOVE it.

I'll try and find the link to the hotel....... I can never find anything.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I've Got Tears in My Ears From Lying On My Back

I got signed off work.

I'm a bit stunned, because apart from a sore back, I thought i was okay. The problem however, is the fact that i took 8 Coproxamol over Saturday and 8 Cocodamol over Sunday and was still sore. Doc thinks I have a high Pain threshold, and if I can take that many tablets with out effect, she has to make me more sedated to get to route of problem.


Am like Fart in a Fog.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Your My First, Your My Last My Everything

It was Awards Night Monday.

Boy was assisting in the Presentation. I was very very proud of him - he is so lovely and Tall.

He was also receiving awards - Scottish Junior and Senior Team award for Volleyball.

Tooli Belle was getting a merit for her School Work - Excellence in Several Subjects, and also an award for being selected for Volleyball National Trials. I curled all her hair for her before she went so she was completely Stunning.

I'm not sure how we did these kids - I mean is funny how a mixture of Si and me has gone towards producing such perfectly gorgeous weans!

Boy's Pal L played the MOST stunning piano piece I have ever heard. It said "Au Claire De La Luna", but it sounded nothing like my version.... she is very very talented ... played the Last Post at the Remembrance Sunday Parade as well on her Trumpet. It inspired me to sit down at the keyboard yesterday, but after a couple of plinky plonk noises, I realised that music is not my forte.

This is the kids with Mrs R, their Volleyball coach who has inspired them to be out of the house every weekend, having me to drive back and forward all over the country! Tee hee Thanks Mrs R

Saturday, June 21, 2008

If I could turn back time ..................

Weirdest Ever. Weird Weird Weird.

Just finished watching Dr Who. Was a troubling one, which set Me and Tool off on discussing the possibility of Parallel universe. I was saying to Eilidh I remembered reading a book, where when a person made a decision, the initial person carried on with the consquences of that decision. But in a parallel universe, the same person followed a life which adapted to the consquences of the alternative decision. Not only did two parallel universes co-exist - but many many thousands more, because parallel universes opened each time a decisions was taken.

In Dr Who, some time monster makes Donna make a different decision which took her away from meeting the Doctor, and which results in the Doctors death, and ultimately the end of the world.

In the course of the discussion, I told Tool she should read "The Road Less Travelled", by Robert Frost -

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

because it was all about making a decision, and contemplating the what might have been, should you have made the decision differently.

Then I opened my email box, and found my Ziggy Cartoon for the day.

How flipping weird is that?

But it gets weirder.

As we sat looking at this cartoon and wondering the coincidence, the programme on the TV ended, with the conclusion, "so remember, when you make a decision, you should consider the consquences of your actions".

Is fate trying to tell us something?

What's the story morning glory?

Morning after the Night Before!

Bloody Hell. I'm probably not best popular with a lot of parents today.

Hmmm Funny how they were all quite willing to let me take their kids into my house last night.... they thought I was mad to host so many kids, and lets be honest I was. What the hell was I thinking! NIGHTMARE!

I brought Steven home, and first kids arrived at his back. By 11 there were about 25 kids here, by 12 there were about 40. more arrived after that.

I think it went okay - we had a couple of dodgy moments.

1. boy's Pal Jake came with his poi's - dowsed in diesel, and did a fire dancing show outside in the street! If he had tried this in the garden he would have set fire to (a) the Trampoline, (b) the Gazebo (c) the Shed, or (d) the house! ha ha ha ha

Was highly entertaining, but I think maybe the squad of kids - I counted forty five, back into the house - was a bit intimidating for the neighbors.


I can't believe that he thought it was a good idea to douse poi's in petrol and light them, and then throw them about the body! The girlies were very impressed with nakedness of top of body!

For having upwards of 45 weans in the hoouse - ranging in age from 12 - 20 the noise level wasn't too bad. Except for when, the Ipod was turned up full blast, then TV turned up full blast, and then the girls started a rendition of "Join the Circus".

Lovely singers they all may be when on stage... but after a bucket of bacardi breezer the tone seems to go a wee bitty.

I was stressed out. Is very difficult to keep an eye on that many kids - some of whom are quite responsible, but they were All very very hyped up after a fantastic show - they got standing ovations on Friday night. I'm so glad I sneaked in to the wings to watch the end. The total exhilaration was infectious. Boy said he had never smiled so much in his life. I can imagine. His smile was sooo wide. The Braces were worth the 18 months of discomfort! he has a brilliant smile!

Poor Wee Sam. Too much Strawberry Cider. She babbled and babbled discussed with me the merits of Take That, and then fell asleep out the back. She woke up about 30 minutes later and felt the horror of drinking and falling asleep. Started her hangover right there and then. Si and I had a ball trying to get her in the house, and calm her pal down too. As you can see, the boys were all very sympathetic. She lay there all night - and yes, I did speak to her mum.....

After driving the late hangers on home -I finally got in at 3.15 am this morning and was tucked up in bed at 3.30. Yawn.

Sam woke up in the morning a wee bitty weary and wanted to help me tidy up there and then... last thing I felt like doing. Managed to get her to sit down for a bit, and Boy and Si came down
and we all laughed a bit at how funny she had been, trying to reassure her that she hadn't been badly behaved. which truley she wasn't.

So now I have to sleep, cause I'm really really tired.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Party nights, and neon lights

What have I done?

I agreed to host the aftershow party! Hmmm. Regretting now that moment of madness, where I thought a cool mum would say yes.

A sensible mum would have said "how many". "what time", "what am I providing?".

Not I.

So here I sit, 90 minutes to go, until the 50 or so Teenagers start hitting the door!

House is spotless. Valuables are locked away. Drink is in the fridge, Food is on the table. I've taken pictures of my house before. I pray that after, there is still something which resembles my home.

Oaft. How Mad Am I?

Answers Coming Soon.........

Q What would have on your headstone?
Wow, Was that It?

Q What's your dream car?
One which goes and doesn't make that rattly noise underneath.

Q Is pornography morally wrong?
Not in all cases

Q Write the opening line of a wonderful novel
She packed her bags, Looked one last time around the house that held so many memories, and left knowing that she would never ever see this place again.

Q What's the best music video ever?

We Close Our Eyes, Go West

Q If you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
I wouldn't tell people, I would just keep spending like always, the only difference would be that this time, the bank wouldn't get pissed off.

Q Do you carry a donor card? Why (or why not)?

I have signed onto something on line, so don't have a card. I do, because Kerry had a transplant, and she asked everyone to consider it. I did, and I did.

Q Where would you like to retire?
Kos. To be a Shirley Valentine

Q What is something you wish you were better at doing?
Precision. I start off good, then loose interest. I could never be forensic for police, cause I'd look in a couple of places, and then go "stuff this"

Q What colour do you prefer your pens to write?
Blue, or pink

Q Are babies cute?
Mine were quite the cutest babies in the WORLD, and of course, and now the most spectacularly beautiful people in the world.

Q Do you subscribe to a magazine? If so, what?
US Weekly, cause I am Gossip / Bitching fanatic

Q What's your favorite shape?
Hourglass - cause I'm a very round hour glass. I was actually The model For Venus - before the babies of course

Q What was the last thing you used a microwave for?
Heat a Steam Pudding

Q What book are you reading?
Suite Francais. Is taking me forever to get into. I just finished, Last Breath, and Book of Shadows. I was reading one, and listening to the other. Multitasking!

Q Do you like rollercoasters?
ha ha - No. Well yes, sometimes. However I have to stand and watch for at least half an hour to pluck up courage. I choose 5 people at random and watch and make sure that they get on and then get back off again. If they are okay - chances are I will be too.

Q Which came first – the chicken or the egg?

Q Cite a song lyric that means something to you
You and me Baby We Aint Nothing But mamals

Q What's the best photo you've ever taken?
Ages ago :A full face close up of my dad - it's him, even tho he's been gone 23 years.
And recently - one of my family in silhouette against the setting sun.

Q Write a new couch gag for the opening credits of The Simpsons
Erm, They come on, the sit down, and sing "agent Jack Malone".

Q Tell me a knock knock joke
Knock Knock
Whose There?
Interrupting Sheep...
g she BAAAAAAAAAA eep who

Describe yourself in five words
44, Mad, immature, Sensitive, Loved

Who should play James Bond now that the role is vacant?


Q Write a haiku (3 lines, 5–7-5 syllables)
K Loves Big Sexy
Oh Yes She Will For Ever
It can never work

Q What comic book (or cartoon) character would you be? Why?
Betty Boop - cause Jessica Rabbit sleeps with one????

Q What's the oldest thing you own?
Simon. ha ha ha ha ha ha

Q What's your favourite word?
Buggar-Bollocks That is my word

Q What word(s) do you hate?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Join the Circus, Like You Wanted To....

My second night at my son's school Musical - Barnum.

I have these little photos - I'm not supposed to take photos during the show, and I sneaked these while they were getting a group photo taken after curtain.

I'm so proud of him, I have no idea how he has the confidence to stand there and sing his heart out.

He is soooo tall - stands head and shoulders above everyone else on stage, and of course, top hat just adds to the height! What a boy! Great Stuff!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Home Again, Cross the Seas......

I attended a Ship Naming and Launching today. It was lovely. For the almost three years I have been here, no one has actually performed this, and it just seemed all right.

Mike&Aida were the couple who were launching and naming "Mija". I have been talking with them back and forward since February, when they were attempting to buy a Boat Aida, with the assistance of the Bank manager also called Aida - it looked like fate, but it wasn't to be!

When all attempts to purchase Aida failed. Mike&Aida were shown the New 43 we had in stock in the Marina. Happily they loved it!

This morning we headed over to the hoist bay, and Mike read a lovely dedication to the name and the safety of the boat, we all toasted her with Champagne and declared her to be the most beautiful boat EVER.

I even jumped on board (I'm not sure that there is photographic evidence of that one), and sailed with them all back over to the berth - her maiden voyage, albeit a very small one.

I was very pleased to be part of that wee ceremony, and wish Mike&Aida many years of safe and happy sailing on board Mija.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

There's a Bright Golden Haze on the Meadow

Today, I have mostly been driving the crane.

Well That isn't entirely correct, I haven't been "driving" the crane per say, I was bouncing Ryan up and down on the crane. Wow. the Excitement I get to experience in this office is unbelievable. First it was a digger, now the crane, and the boys (sorry, Gentlemen) of the yard, have promised that I can drive the
Boat mover. How exciting is that?

Of course i dont' have a photo of me in the cab, because it was a kinda spur of the moment thing. But I lifted Ryan up off the ground and then swung him about for a bit, but then I got a bit scared, and stopped because I can't help feeling that he would fall out of the bucket.

Monday, June 16, 2008

It's more the way your eyes

If I had A Photograph of you.... Something to remind me.

Flock of Seagulls were cool eh? I never did have a Seagulls hairdo tho.

I was waiting for Boy tonight, he was ages at school, and I created this montage of myself. ha ha ha It was very amusing. You can see how bored I must have been. I was trying to take pictures up my nose. But I couldn't squeeze the camera up there. I did a whole one of my face as well, But Tooli just looked at it, and said my nose looked like a willy, and I had a squint. So I took it away. Because it was all true.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

You can sew it up but you still see the tear...

Sunday night again, and all my family back where they should be. But the weekend has gone again. Only good thing about that is that we are getting closer to Shuna time. I love Shuna I do I do I do.

Is Father's day today. I got Si a funny card from Moonpig..... It is a Oi Magazine Cover. Tee Hee, Is briliant. He got Chocolate, chocolate medal, a book, a poster and a CD for the Car.

He came in about 1.30 from Scouts. it was the Giant Sleepover...... 130 Scouts -(you will see from last night's blog). The beavers went to bed about 12, and the parent helpers left then, it was about 3 am before they managed to get the rest of them to bed.
Si had about an hour's sleep til 4 am, when the Explorers decided to go down the beach and fly kites, and then came back and invaded the Scouts Tent dressed in Giant CHicken outfits! These were "fighting chicken suits"... they also had bouncy castles and a boxing ring. Nice gentle activities to keep them all safe.

Boy was at rehearsals all day today. Tooli and me didn't do much. She slept in. I went and got the shopping. I cleaned the bathroom, i prepared the Dinner. I also did a wee bit of knitting.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

There's a Touch Upon My Lips..........

Heaven's. What a day. Up at 6.30 am; Shower, breakfast, pack lunch, pick up two of Boy''s sports mates and then headed to Dundee. 2 hours it took me. Dropped them, and headed to my favourite retail outlook.

I love Borders, I do. I can quite happily enjoy Borders for up to 2 hours. Which is a good job, because after 1 1/4 hours, I realised that it was actually a pay and display - I had been so sleepy as I walked in, I completely missed the Pay Points. Still after a nice mocha and a lemon muffin I was feeling so much much better.

I headed town ward, and took two circuits to find a parking space.... not that there wasn't a lot of spaces, I just kept getting in to the wrong lane. Ah Well, Eventually I found a car park, settled in and headed for the town centre. I'd read that there was a market in the High Street. There was - A wee German one, cheese, sausages, donuts, lager etc etc. Just the same as the one which always appears in Edinburgh and Glasgow at Christmas time.. .except with out the christmas decorations.

I did find Desperate Dan and Beryl the Peril, Dundee being the home of D C Thomson, who publish the Dandy.

Funny eh?

Where I parked there was a funny wee big mall... kinda like the Forum... not briliant - weird shops all mussed up. Didn't like it - was over 3 floors.

left there, and found another which was different and nicer, and in there, I found a Beauty Shop, and got my nail buffed and polished. Just for the sit down, quiet and a wee pamper. It was nice.

Wasn't as nice as Kims, but it was a wee spot of Me Time. Which was what I needed.

I continued to bimble about, but not really enjoying Dundee very much - i don't know - maybe it was just that It wasn't familiar. I headed back to the car, and drove nearer to where i had dropped the boys. Visited a massive ASDA but which didn't have Restaurant. I then found a Sainsbury's which was lovely, and had a lovely pot of tea and a biscuit for £1.70. That was okay. I had a wee read of the papers too.

Eventually I went and parked up next to the school where Boy was training, and started my knitting, my inital thought had been that I would find a park and sit and knit - but I couldn't find anywhere nice enough.

Tooli was away to Ayr for the day shopping with her pals - We kept in touch with mobiles and I was hoping she wouldn't be home too much before us.

The boys finished at 4, on the dot and I got them all in the car, and we headed back down the road.

Si is at Scouts. it is "the giant sleepover" tonight. I think He said there were 150 Scouts / Beavers / Cubs there! Joyous fun eh? tee hee. Rather him than me.

Just watched Dr Who there. That is one programme that just seems to get better and better every week. Heaven's above, I was breathless waiting for the conclusion. And next week..... Rose is back.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Don't Do It, When You Got To Go Do It

Friday 5

Who gave you your last balloon, and what was the occasion?

Si gave me a Balloon Trip. A Big Hot Air Balloon. How Lucky Am I? It was the most beautiful thing in the world. So quiet, and eerie, floating over the Lothians. It was truely the best thing ever. It was my birthday

Who gave you your last scolding, and what was it for?
Si. Atlways. He is forever scolding me, sometimes he doesn't scold me, sometimes he asks rhetorical questions which are set in order to make me feel like I'm being scolded. Why? well (a) I have left dishes undone, or (b) not emptied the buckets, or (c) not put the ironing away. (d) bought take away instead of cooking. Hmmmm Not the best mother in the world am I?

Who gave you your last attaboy, and why?
Me. I attaboy, me all the time, and I say Sir to everyone. I said Sir to a woman yesterday and she wasn't very happy. I didn't mean that I thought she was a man, I was just trying to be polite. But obviously she that I mistook her. Whoops.

Who gave you your last haircut?
Pamela at Nats. Pamela does lovely haircuts. I've never been so happy with my hair than since Pamela started doing it. Is Loverly!

Who gave you your last massage?
Physical contact with people I don't know. I don't think so. Here's the funny thing. I'm a qualified Reiki practitioner, but I can't practise, because I don't want to be touching people that I don't know. I was freaking out at training sessions and then I went to a group one and that did me in.... too many many people I had to touch, and they touched.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

And now I live in a world that I call my own.......

For the last three days I have been very very busy. But I am really enjoying myself. However, the best thing ever today : My Lunch.

Rocket from the Garden, Corriander from the Garden, Feta Cheese, Grilled Bacon, Chickpeas and Dressing.

O M Goodness Gracious Me.

It was loverly.