Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lazy Sunday Afternoon, I got no mind to worry

Not particularly lazy. Kids out again.. 9.30 for Tool - Volleyball,1030 for Boy, to watch girlfriend play volleyball.

Si and me headed to Morrisons, with a slight Red Wine Groggyness about us. But that has cleared. Is amazing what a few cups of coffee will do for you.

Morrisons was nice and quiet, but that led to us having a packing frenzy at the checkout.

Then we came home, and I started the cleaning. I lifted the rugs, and swept and the washed the floors, shoogled the throw and straightened the cushions, washed the dishes, prepared the dinner, did the toilet. Now the place looks quite habitable.

I'm throwing ANOTHER coffee down my throat before I go and collect Tool, who has just text to say she is ready to go. Am trying to find Boy to see if he can collect her. He's had the car 4 days and she's not seen the inside of it!

1 comment:

  1. woman! did someone forget to tell you that weekends were for relaxing!?!? we've got a 3 day weekend over here so i'm get to be lazy one more day.
