Friday, October 31, 2008

The Friday 5

Friday 5 go to Friday 5, and collect this weeks meme - fill in the details and leave a link to your blog, linking from your blog to their blog... And everyone is happy.

Among people you know, who has the
greenest thumb?
Here in the little Principality known as Scotland, we refer to ALL our fingers as green when abundant ability of Gardening is favoured. I am by far the most green thumbed/fingered of all the people I know. But this is because I talk to the plants, and send them Reiki symbols. Hence I'm not really green thumbed, but green tongued and green souled.

Among people you know, who has the bluest blood?
Tooliebelle has the Bluest Blood. I think someone mixed her up at the hospital , even tho she is the double of her dad, and I don't really think she was ever out of my sight! She is very regal and organised, but also expects things to be done for her at a drop of a hat. Without her we would be nothing... However Boy would have us believe that he has the bluest blood, because he is in fact the creator of all things. Seriously. GOD was just a subcontractor according to my son.

Among people you know, who has the yellowest belly?
I have the yellowest belly. I am big feartycat. I will not touch certain things, go certain places or speak to certain people for fear. I'm not discussing what these fears are, because mentioning them provokes attack, and panic.

Among people you know, who has the blackest heart?
What is blackest heart, no love? only Hate? I don't know people like that. I only know nice people.

Among people you know, who is the most silver-tongued?
Silvertongued. Sweet talking? Huh? Taking advantage of simpletons? That would be Wee Devil.... Oh Yes It Would. She says Anything to me, and I would be believing her. Oh Yes I would. I believe everything the evil devil says to me, even when patently obvious she is telling untruths!

1 comment:

  1. the only plants i can be trusted around are silk. and i do a darned good job of trying to kill those too! happy halloween and TGIF! =)
