Sunday, January 27, 2008

take away my point of view, takeaway my right to choose

Truely. They rebounded the council areas a couple of years ago, and now Troon is banded in with parts of North Ayrshire. This makes me mad, because we now have an MP making decisions on our Town when he was never part of the Culture which is Troon.

I noted a little article in our Local Press this week, noting that "a new build for the secondary school is an option". Yes, we've been thru this so many times.

Our local Secondary was a gift from a Town Benefactor, who left the town, made his money in export and sent money home in the form of an educational trust to build a proud educational establishment, and provide for the education of the people of his home town.

The school was leased to the local council on a 25 year lease, to enable them to build an extension, which is a shoddy piece of work, not in keeping with the original structure. as part of this lease, the council, as lesees were to maintain the buildings upkeep, which it has to be said has not been done.

4 years ago. South Ayrshire Council entered into a Public Private Partnership (PPP) for new builds for school. It was agreed that because marr wasn't in fact "their" building that an investment in it could not be made.

They delay and delay and delay in the hope of the school becoming irreparable - in which case they can build a brand new one, and sell the original building for property development. However they still have a problem because as the building doesn't belong to them, the money would revert to the trust.

I get so angry. people who have no history of the school are making decisions on it's future.


And no, sorry, I can't call an Angel THAT big.


  1. Anonymous5:58 pm

    Uch. I couldnt read this to the end. Do you want £1 to raise funds?

  2. I have given up today.

    Given Up.
