Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kick off your shoes and sit right down.............

Let me pour you a good long drink.

I need one, I haven't had anything to drink since I came in tonight, and before that it was a cappuccino at work. I ran Tool and her pals to Guides. Eerie silence in the car., always is. Weird. Then got petrol for Si, and came home. Went to loo. Had a painful experience there, and now am just sitting here to recover.

Busy day at work. Accountant was in reviewing years accounts. Was pretty damn quick. There wasn't too much to move around and alter, for which I'm glad. As I mentioned before I had my Reiki symbols drawn, on my wrists and my boob. It definitely helped. I sat and smiled all day, and repeated my mantra's often.

Have to go and reiki again. This time its the music room for tomorrow.


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