Tuesday, September 25, 2007

You can have a Cat, just as Long as it Barks!

Simon was definite last night. no Cat, Not now, not ever.

He doesn't want cat's peeing in the bedroom. Now don't get me wrong. We didn't have the cats sitting in the bedroom peeing all the time. Garp, bless her wee cotton socks did it when she was confused and sad. But Si, approaching his dotage has confused this in his mind with "ALL THE TIME". She did use the litter tray mostly all the time, but every so often the wee lamby would get confused walk up the stairs and pee in Eilidh's bedroom.

However, I think this is outweighed by all the love and affection both cats gave us, but kittens have to be a joint decision and whilst he is in denial of his own love for the kitkins I have to abstain from having a wee ball of fluff to love and cherish, and in the meantime smother the Rabbits with love and affection.

They like Cheese Tucs. I personally think these are better for them than Tea-Biscuits. Tea-Biscuits, however lovely they are, are I think, A tad dry for wee bunny mouths. Their favourite however, is madeira cake. They Lurve madeira cake. There is nothing quite as pleasing as coming home, stepping out the back door and have two little bundles of fluff run up to you and sit up for a biccy. How cute are those bunns!

Anyhows, I must get on, much work to do, despite the longing I have to bimble about outside in the sunshine and wind.



  1. Animals cannot wipe their bottoms. They spread jobby germs wherever they go. Am so not down with the animals.

  2. Where might you be today??

  3. Am here. Waiting for you to brighten up my day.

    I have pllayed everyone your singing.

  4. Dude, your history links no worky. I wanted to delve into the past. To a time when the sky was blue and there was laughter in the air.
