Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Five Okay Yah

What’s a pretty good sign that your day at work or school is going to be rough?
The rain is bouncing off the ground, higher than the top of my boots, I can't get to my car for the wind. I have a migraine, I have to book currency trades, I have a hangover (thing of the past these days).

What’s a pretty good sign that your day at work or school is going to be terrific?
The Sun is shining and there are good songs on the radio. Today...... Sun shining, big stormy winds, but ABC were just singing Look of Love on the Radio and I'm happy. Is also Friday, so that helps. I love Fridays. I love Thursdays too because they mean that Friday is nearly there. I love Wednesdays because it's Tap, and I love Monday's because they go REALLY fast, I love Sundays, because they are LAZY days, and I love Saturday because I get to spent time with my gang. .... Tuesdays.... oach they are okay.... Gentle kind of day.... Everyday is actually pretty terrific.

What’s a pretty good sign that you should probably eat out?
Si isn't in. Kids understand that if their dad isn't home, then the chances are I'll be buying in!

What’s a pretty good sign that you’re going to spend more money than you should?
There is a shop in front of me, or a pretty web site!. To be honest, I don't spend THAT much. K is much worse than me. But if I have money in my pocket, and I'm wandering, I will find things to make me happy.

What’s a pretty good sign that someone you have just met is going to be a good friend?

They get my sense of humour.... which is hard to do. They understand my manic behaviour. They are quite happy to take the piss out of me... see K above.

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