Friday, March 28, 2008

And She laughed No More.......

Friday 5

Who in your life would make a really good butler?
A Butler organises, and makes sure everyone is where they should be.... Tooli would have to be our butler. She is the only one in the house with any sense of responsibillity and dedication to achievement! The rest of us wouldn't do anything if it wasn't for Tool keeping us together!

Who in your life would make a really good head of state?
My Honey. Cause he is very diplomatic.

Who in your life would make a really good TV talk-show host?
Kirst. Cause she is mental, and isn't scared to take the rip out of anyone. She would be like Bridget Jones interviewing Colin Firth which is the FUNNIEST bit of literature ever. The biggest mistake ever made was casting Colin Firth as Mr Darcy, and then because of that they had to cut that scene out of the film. she would say "hello RDJ, how peachy is your arse".

Who in your life would make a really good astronaut?
I would make a really good astronaut, cause I would be a whole lot lighter, and I'd like that!

Who in your life would make a really good movie director?

It would have to be Stevo. He see's things in a different way from everyone else.... all films representing real life would have a surrealist view about them. Nothing is quite as it seems in the world according to Stevie. Life would take on a whole new meaning thru one of his films.

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