Saturday, March 01, 2008

And when the clock strikes 6 on Fri-day night

Its the weekend, and for the FIRST weekend in months, and I mean months, I have my whole family here......and no one has ANY Volleyball, or Hockey, or Football. Am amazed and stunned.

Had a night out last night with Kirsty and Simon for Kerrry's Fund Raising efforts for Mozambique. Was a Race Night at All Bar One in Glasgow. I've just been reading up on where she is staying.. I was picturing something 3rd world..... however Mango Grove Cabanas. Look a bit Okay!

I felt terrible last night on the way home, and it wasn't excess alcohol - I think maybe it was just the Alcohol. I think maybe it is time for me NOT to be drinking. I swore on another website that I would be giving up alcohol this month, and actually I think I will give it up full stop. I much prefer being awake and alert!

Is my wedding anniversary today. I cannot believe that 17 years have passed? Where has it all gone. Husband and me were just reminincing yesterday...... can remember everything like it was yesterday... clear as day. Hope the days slow down a bit... or it will be 34 year before we know it.


1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary for the 1 March! Can't remember my own how can I be expected to remember yours! ha ha
